Swiss Banker will Face Tax Charges in Person in U.S.

by Admin on January 16, 2015

A Swiss banker charged with aiding tax evasion plans to appear in court in New York to defend himself said his attorney, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Stefan Buck, 34, was charged in April 2013 with tax evasion for allegedly helping Americans “open and maintain undeclared accounts,” reports the WSJ.

According to the WSJ, because Switzerland does not extradite citizens charged in the U.S. with aiding tax evasion, most Swiss bankers facing similar charges do not leave Switzerland to appear in U.S. Courts.

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Buck’s attorney, Marc Agnifilo, reported that Buck’s request to receive his bail conditions as well as prior assurances to be able to return to Switzerland before appearing in court were denied.

Read the full story here.

Recommended Reading:
London Mayor Says U.S. Taxes ‘Outrageous’
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