Sweden Introduces Ambitious Climate Law

by Admin on February 3, 2017

If adopted the new law should take into effect in 2018

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Sweden introduced a new climate law to ensure that future generations would have a “credible climate policy” reports The Local.

Sweden also announced an ambitious target of eliminating all greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

The proposals were introduced by Swedish PM Stefan Löfven and Climate Minister Isabella Lövin on Thursday. Lövin told The Local, “We’ve set the goal that there should be zero net emissions by then and all future governments would have to report on how they’ll meet that goal.”

“This law would mean we need to be transparent in our climate policy, and would bind future governments to having a credible climate policy,” she added.

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When asked about the possibility of achieving a net level of zero greenhouse gas emissions, Lövin was confident when she told The Local,  “I think meeting the target is entirely possible. We can see that with goals we set previously, like the one for renewable energy levels by 2020, where we have already met the target. It actually tends to go quicker. Once you set a goal and start on the road, things tend to go very quickly. We’ll see. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s sooner than 2045.”

Read more here

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