Trouble in the House of Senate as Surveillance Laws may not be Reformed

by Admin on November 20, 2017

The Hill reports that the US National Security surveillance bill is due to finish at the end of this year. Under this bill, private information about American citizens can be used in a criminal case. The reform however, would call for more civil protection, making it illegal for information about any American to be used in a criminal case.

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Democrats, Representative Jerrold Nadler and Senator Diane Feinstein are worried that the Trump Administration will dismiss the reform and instead extend the bill as it is. However, earlier this month the House Judiciary Committee approved “The USA Liberty Act” giving hope in reforming the current surveillance laws. Both chambers are needed to pass a reform proposal by the end of the year otherwise the law will stay the same.

Read the full story here

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Image: Wikipedia, Newt Gringrich

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