Suit Filed Against ISIS Funder via Twitter

by Admin on October 11, 2016

Lawyers call it a huge breakthroughtwitter-bird-1366218_960_720

Lawnewz reports federal Judge Laurel Beeler ordered that a foreign defendant may be served a lawsuit via twitter in a civil case.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of terror victims against Kuwait Finance HouseKuveyt-Turk Participation Bank Inc., and Hajjaj al-Ajmi, a man who has been accused of funding ISIS.

According to Lawnewz, previous attempts made by the plaintiff, a nonprofit corporation, to serve the suit against Al-Ajmi failed. Judge Beeler ruled to allow the plaintiff to serve said lawsuit through twitter because “Al-Ajmi has a large following on Twitter and has used the social-media platform to fundraise large sums of money for terrorist organizations by providing bank-account numbers to make donations.”

Lawyers in Thailand assist in serving defendants, witnesses and other parties that reside in Thailand

The move has been described as a huge breakthrough by Mogeeb Weiss, who represents plaintiffs on behalf of California based St. Francis Assisi. He said, “”I think it’s going to have a tremendous effect-You have a Twitter account and are trying to avoid service? Now I can just get you on Twitter, it’s huge. You can just serve them there on the spot.”


Read the original article here

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