Snowball fights banned in Belgium, South Carolina high school gun classes, and more

by Admin on January 24, 2013

Snowball Fights Banned in Belgium

In Flanders, Belgium, careful what you do with that snowball. The Flemish municipality has outlawed the throwing of snowballs, a crime that could cost you up to 100 Euro. Why? Well, the so-called “Snowball Capital of the World” equates throwing snowballs to throwing stones, and says doing so puts one’s health at risk.

A city in the region recently hosted the largest snowball fight in the history, with almost 6,000 Belgium students taking place in the fight.

While throwing snowballs is now outlawed, throwing stones isn’t. Who’s in?

High School Student Refuses to be Tracked

A 15-year-old Texas high school student is refusing to wear a badge with an embedded RFID chip. In a letter, Hernandez claimed that she did “not wish to wear the new badge, even without the RFID chip, because it signifies participation in the program.”

Her attorneys argued that the school was violating her rights under Texas’ Religious Freedom Act as well as the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Hernandez lost her appeal to the school, and the case is making its way to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and the Western District of Texas.

Social Studies, Math and…Hunting?

A South Carolina lawmaker is introducing a bill that would teach teenagers how to shoot in high school. Republic Senator Lee Bright is an advocate of the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) belief that the more guns there are, the safer it is. His proposed legislation would allow schools to offer gun classes, called the “South Carolina Gun Safety Program.”

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Students would learn how to properly hold and fire a gun, safety techniques, and the history of the Second Amendment. Senator Bright was nostalgic of his own high school days when introducing the bill, when he had an opportunity to join a rifle or shooting team.

For families who are strictly anti-guns in the southern state, however, Senator Bright says not to worry – the class would be optional.

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