Smart Sex Toy Company Collected Personal Information of Users

by Admin on March 16, 2017

The Company had to pay $3.75 mn in lawsuit

Image Source: Hollenderek

A teledildonics company in the US has settled a privacy infringement lawsuit for $3.75 million under the Federal Wiretap Act along with Illinois state privacy laws reports The Register.

According to the report, two anonymous complainants filed a lawsuit against Standard Innovation Corporation for apparent data collection by the latter’s sex toy We- Vibe which included “vibration intensity level selected by the user”.

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“Needless to say, the usage information collected by Standard Innovation through We-Connect is extraordinarily intimate and private. Standard Innovation collected individual-level usage information – often tied to users’ personally identifiable email addresses – and as a result … breached its customers’ trust, devalued their purchases … and violated federal and state law in the process,” said a memo from one of the claimants supporting the idea of a settlement, as reported by Law360.

Two settlement funds will be set up, $3 million for users of the app whose data has been collected and $750,000 for purchasers of the actual vibrator.

Read more here

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