Slavery On Thai Fishing Boats Continues

by Admin on June 24, 2013

The Global Post reveals today that practices belonging to a dark age continue on Thai fishing boats. Labour abuses are still occurring daily, often to men lured over the borders from Cambodia or Myanmar with empty promises.

So far, these persistent abuses have only served to harm Thailand’s reputation however if another year passes without major strikes against Thai trafficking syndicates, the US State Department will be forced, by law, to hit Thailand with sanctions. Therefore to avoid sanctions, it must execute enough raids and arrests over the next 12 months to prove its sincerity in preventing traffickers.

Thailand employment laws are governed by the Department of Labor and are designed to regulate employment and working conditions such as maximum work hours, working days, holidays, overtime, maternity leave, employee welfare, social security, termination of employees, occupational health and safety, grievances, sick leave, minimum wage and severance pay. There is clearly however still a long way to go.

Read the full story here

Related Documents: Thailand Labor Law

Related Articles: Work Permit Law Changes in Thailand

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