Six Thais Arrested in the US For Illegal Weapon Export

by Admin on June 6, 2013

The Nation has reported that six Thais have been arrested in the US for conspiring between 2011 and 2013 to export restricted firearms parts to Thailand from the U.S. It is alleged that the co-conspirators did not obtain the correct licenses to make the shipments and used false names and invoices in an attempt to avoid getting caught. Prosecutors added the various firearms were packed in specific ways designed to avoid detection by X-ray scanners.

The arrests comes at a time when gun-related violence incidents are allegedly on the rise in Thailand. Thailand Criminal Law requires that individuals must acquire gun licenses before obtaining a firearm; the only legal uses for a gun (licensed to the individual using it) are self defense, protection of property, sports, hunting, or collecting purposes.

Read the full article here

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