Secret Service to Investigate Madonna

by Admin on January 24, 2017

The investigation is over the singer said she has ‘thought about blowing up the White House’

400px-Madonna's_Confessions_in_Paris_3Image by Pascal Mannaerts

The secret service has announced that they will be investigating pop star Madonna after she told anti-Trump protesters that she had “thought a lot” about blowing up the White House.

According to The Sun, in a vulgar speech at the women’s march on Friday, the Like a Virgin singer said that she was there to stand up to “this new age of tyranny” referring to Donald Trump’s first day as President.

She then goes on to say  “Yes, I have thought a lot about blowing up the White House…”, something for which she might have to pay for as Pro-Trump site Gateway Pundit say that a Service Service spokesman has confirmed that they are aware of Madonna’s comments and will be opening an investigation.

Hundreds of thousands of people attended the march. According to the Sun, “An estimated 2.2million people worldwide took to the streets in the first full day of the billionaire businessman’s presidency.”

Other celebrities such as Ashley Judd, Alicia Keys and Scarlett Johansson also made appearances.

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Gabriel Brooke January 24, 2017 at 13:51

Americans should consider themselves lucky that they have such freedom of speech.. holding protests and calling their president a tyrant. If you pull this stuff any where else you’d most likely be imprisoned or executed. Look at Thailand’s Lèse-majesté law. They’ll imprison you for 50 years if you say anything against the royal family

Tom Burkley January 24, 2017 at 14:04

There are many criminal defense lawyers in Thailand that can get you out of that pickle.

Austin L January 24, 2017 at 14:14

Mate no lawyer is gonna be able to help you out of that one

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