US Department of Justice Threatens ‘Sanctuary States’

by Admin on October 13, 2017

The US Department of Justice has announced that cities and states with ‘sanctuary’ policies must comply with federal immigration laws by October 27th, RT reports.

The announcement applies to five jurisdictions; Chicago, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia and Cook County. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that these areas “adopt the view that protection of criminal aliens is more important than the protection of law-abiding citizens”.

According to the Department of Justice, policies in these jurisdictions may violate 8 US Code 1373, a statute concerning cooperation with federal immigration laws. If they fail to provide evidence of compliance by October 27th, they risk losing millions of dollars in crime-fighting aid.

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“I urge all jurisdictions found to be out of compliance in this preliminary review to reconsider their policies that undermine the safety of their residents,” the Attorney General added.

Read the full story here

Related Articles: California Becomes Sanctuary State to Protect Immigrants

Image: Ramola Paulrajan

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