San Francisco to Dismiss Thousands of Marijuana Related Cases

by Admin on February 20, 2018

The District Attorney and his office will let go of around 3,000 misdemeanor cases, even the ones occurring before the legalization of Marijuana (some cases from 1975) in San Francisico. Around 4,000 felony convictions may be reduced to misdemeanors.

In addition, there is a petition to have records expunged as they impact employment, housing and other benefits. Looking into the cases, his office noted dramatic racial inconsistencies. In 2011, half of marijuana related arrests were African-American, a minority that made up only 6% of San Francisco’s population.

The District Attorney has acknowledged his actions oppose the recent Justice Department’s actions to increase enforcement of federal law.

Read the full story here

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Related Video:
Marijuana Legalization Thailand Highland Network

Image: Office of Public Affairs

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