Same-Sex Couple in Custody Battle

by Admin on November 30, 2017

According to Business Insider, a same-sex couple who had a child through IVF are caught in a child custody court battle.

Chris Strickland is fighting for legal parental rights to 6-year-old Zayden Strickland. Her ex-girlfriend, Kimberly Day, gave birth to the child, which was conceived through IVF with sperm from an anonymous donor.

The couple married in 2010, but later divorced. They informally shared custody until 2015, when Day remarried. After that, Strickland was banned from seeing the child.

Judge John Grant, who presided over the case, said the following in a written statement.

“Can Zayden have three parents? Both these ladies who are married to each other and the father? The court is of the opinion the answer is ‘No’. The court finds two women cannot conceive a child together. The court does not find its opinion to be a discriminatory statement but a biological fact.”

The judge granted visitation rights to Strickland, who still pays child support. However, Strickland argues that the ruling is discriminatory and plans to continue to fight for 50-50 custody.

“Every child needs both parents, no matter homosexual or heterosexual,” she said.

Chaninat & Leeds’ family attorneys have helped hundreds of couples with child custody in Thailand

Read the full story here

Related Articles: “Controversial” Same Sex Marriage Law Causes Debate

Image: Joe Gratz

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