Religion Trumps Law In Delhi

by Admin on May 16, 2014

Religion is more important than law, the Delhi High Court has ruled while granting divorce to a girl who converted to Islam for marriage and then reconverted to her original religion reports The New Indian Express.

The husband challenged the grant of divorce by a Saket family court to Zainab. Aarif contested her re-conversion to Hinduism and alleged that she had done it under parental pressure. He also cited Section 4 of the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act to contend that it prohibited dissolution of marriage on the sole ground of apostasy.

Chaninat & Leeds is a Thailand divorce law firm based in Bangkok specializing in providing litigation and consultation services to Thai and foreign clients  

The High Court disagreed however and said “Were a woman married under Muslim personal law to apostatise, the marriage stands dissolved. In such circumstances, the woman is entitled to seek a decree of declaration that the marriage stands dissolved from the date of her apostatizing.”

Read the full story here

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