Prostitutes Plague Pensioners by Selling Cut-Price Sex

by Admin on September 21, 2012

According to the Mirror, prostitutes have been angering estate residents as they plague pensioners by selling door to door sex  for as little as £2.50.

The group of low-priced women is targeting “vulnerable old men” living in old folks’ bungalows, according to complaints at police meetings.

Elderly residents have been receiving knocks on their doors to find a girl asking if they would like sex.

Police said they know of the problem and fear the women may be casing houses for burglaries or robberies. The police are setting up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme to stop the problem.

On the other hand, reports of satisfied customers have not been reported by the Mirror. If there were no demand for the prostitution services, they would probably not be going door to door. Many elderly are home bound and are not sufficiently computer literate to engage in online services. It is possible the “problem” could be solved if the prostitution was simply regulated.

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