Pre-Nups and Marital Satisfaction Go Hand in Hand

by Admin on June 14, 2017

A study on wedded Orthodox Jews tested the efficacy of prenuptial agreements in maintaining marital bliss

A recent study on the correlation between marital happiness and prenuptial agreements among Orthodox Jews found that couples who had signed a pre-nup prior to their weddings were more content with their marriages as opposed to those that had not.

The study was conducted by the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration and published online on March 21, 2017 in the Journal of Divorce and Remarriage.

Couples looking to draft and register prenuptial agreements in Thailand should hire the services of a competent lawyer well versed in Thai prenuptial law

The Jewish Link has called the findings “groundbreaking in its examination of the association between religious prenuptial agreements and marital outcomes within the Orthodox Jewish community.”

“We recognize the meaning that these findings on marital outcomes may have to Orthodox Jews who are considering signing a religious prenuptial agreement,” said Dr. Chani Maybruch, the lead researcher and author of the study.

Read more here

Image by יעקב under  Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

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