Polygamist Politician Faces Divorce Battle in UK Courts

by Admin on January 27, 2014

A foreign politician is going through a divorce battle in the UK courts after relations with his fourth wife broke down reports The Telegraph.

Polygamous marriages are lawful in the politician’s (who has not been named) home country for all Muslim men.

Proceedings between the pair has thus far been extremely antagonistic. The case has not yet even had its first hearing, but a judge has been asked to make an early ruling as the couple have failed to agree how much spousal support the wife should receive until then.

The case highlights that different jurisdictions may have different rules and laws on marriage and divorce and if you are considering getting a divorce from a country different to the one where you married, it is important to take legal advice from a law firm who have international experience.

The wife has also reportedly already run up legal fees of GBP 200,000 ( approximately 330,000 USD or 10,000,000 as at January 2014 exchange rate) which shows legal costs can really escalate when parties struggle to reach agreements with each other or compromise. Under Thailand divorce law, a divorce settlement agreement, is a contract drawn between a divorcing couple that determines issues concerning the divorce such as: the division of shared property, child custody, visitation, alimony, and other marital issues. This can lead to a significant reduction in legal fees for the couple and can also ensure what is usually a difficult and sensitive time for couples is is dealt with as quickly and as smoothly as possible.

Read the full story here

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