Police State News: Tracking Cell Phones Without Warrants

by Admin on October 5, 2012

The U.S. Justice Department recently stated in court that authorities should be able to have access to minute-by-minute movements of cell phone users over a 60-day period without having to ask a judge to approve a warrant.

Then the California legislature passed a bill stating law enforcement agents and other government entities are required to obtain a valid search warrant in order to access location-specific information submitted or received by electronic devices. However, Governor Jerry Brown vetoed it.


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sara October 15, 2012 at 10:24

I live in California and am so glad that police officers have to have a search warrant before tracking phones. Poor people in other places who can have their phones tracked without any warning. Love California.

Jane Gilmore October 15, 2012 at 10:27

The US is losing its freedom. This might not seem so big to other people but the problem is that they will track phones, then listen to conversations, satellites will start looking into houses with x-rays. The Obama administration has done nothing but take away more of our rights. Lets hope November is the last we see of him.

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