Peru Passes New Anti-sex Tourism Law

by Admin on June 28, 2018

The Peruvian government passed a new bill this week that gives authorities the ability to punish those who would promote sex tourism in the South American country.

The legislation is the latest in a string of anti-sex tourism laws approved in Latin America to quell the negative image and stereotypes that prostitution–and sex tourism more generally–has.

The bill also gives authorities more power to go after hotels and bars who use minors as a means to promote the sex industry.

“The suppliers of tourism services will also incur a sanctionable infraction with the authorization of developing tourist activities that are promoting or allowing the sexual exploitation of girls, boys and children in their establishments or when they don’t alert the respective authorities of all facts connected with the commercial sexual exploitation of children,” the law reads.

Even though prostitution is legal in the Andean country, the Peruvian government is taking steps to keep sex tourism out of its national identity.

Read the full story here.

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