Organic Rice Exports Increase in Cambodia

by Admin on February 17, 2015

A Cambodian organic rice miller is set to double its organic rice exports this year as international demand continues to grow, reports The Phnom Penh Post.

One of Cambodia’s two rice exporters, the CambodianCenter for Study and Development in Agriculture, CEDAC, reportedly shipped 540 tons of organic rice in 2014 – a 20 percent increase over 2013.

“Cambodia has won the world’s best rice award for three years in a row.… It has developed a good reputation that impresses buyers,” said CEDAC export officer Sou Sarorn, as quoted by The Phnom Penh Post, “So we are aiming to export 1,000 ton this year to fill the demand that we see in the international market.”

Sarorn said CEDAC’s biggest organic rice buyers were the United States and Hong Kong, but that Arab countries offer an emerging market.

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Though farmers get paid a premium price for organic rice, organic rice exports only comprise a fraction of Cambodia’s overall rice exports, which totaled 380,000 tons in 2014.

Story Source:
Exporters eye big year in organic rice

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