On Anti-Anxiety Meds? Forget About Gun Ownership.

by Admin on April 10, 2013

It’s the state that’s passed laws some would consider restrictive, over-reaching and even “quirky.”

Now, the latest to come out of New York will likely raise just as many eyebrows. A New York attorney is representing clients who claim their license to own firearms was revoked because they’re prescribed anti-anxiety medicine, reports WBEN.

Jim Tresmond of Tresmond Law Firm is currently representing two clients who claim their permits were revoked, and anticipates more to come.  Tresmond says the state police are responsible for the revocation, who were able to somehow access private health documents.

“The HIPPA act is supposed to prevent this kind of thing from happening,” said Tresmond. “It’s a gross invasion of our privacy rights.”

The State Police Commissioner is listed as the defendant in the lawsuit.

US Lawyers Thailand

Chaninat & Leeds is a US-Thailand law firm located in Bangkok, Thailand and is staffed by licensed Thai attorneys and licensed US lawyers.

Activist Post reports that such attacks on gun owners through the health industry is common, especially gun owners who may be veterans. Last week a veteran, who was honorably discharged from the Navy, had his firearms confiscated from him after a forced psychiatric exam. David A. Schmecker refused the exam — he was being treated for pain management and, with a clean record, thought it unnecessary — and found himself in an illegal seizure of firearms without warrant.

Schmecker released a statement and a video, which has been followed up with an interview by Activist Post’s Greg Hemminger:


Related texts: Gun Law of Thailand

Related articles: NYC Mayor Bloomberg Unveils Gun Control Ad Campaign

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