Number of US Expats in 2013 Reaches Highest Numbers

by Admin on November 15, 2013

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This year will set a record for expatriations by U.S. taxpayers, with at least a 33% increase from the previous high in 2011 reports The Wall Street Journal.

According to tax lawyer Andrew Mitchel who tracks the data, these expatriations reached a record high of 2,369 for the year.

Thailand attorney, Jiraporn Thongpong, commented, “this report comes as no surprise to us. A large number of our clients are expats from the US, Canada, Australia and Europe, many of whom moved to Thailand after becoming disillusioned with life in their home country.” 

Read the full article here

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

SwissTechie November 15, 2013 at 08:16

I wouldn’t rely on that data very much. It conflicts with the FBI NICS count, doesn’t include many names such as mine and reports a much lower number than a FOIA on green card discards. The true figure is likely much higher.

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