No FIRs against Lawyers and Doctors-Indian Supreme Court

by Admin on March 28, 2017

The landmark decision does not allow parties to sue lawyers in case of advice gone wrong

Photo by  Mohit Singh

In a landmark decision, the Indian Supreme Court has ruled that no First Information Reports shall be filed against lawyers in case the advice given by a Lawyer goes wrong in some way.

According to Path Legal, the ruling comes in a case involving the Central Bureau of Investigation and a lawyer they hired to advise with a loan matter.

The same deed later faced a scandal involving millions and the CBI registered a criminal case against the lawyer under section 420 of the Indian Penal Code. The case was dismissed by the High Court.

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CBI appealed the case to the Supreme Court which also dismissed the case stating, “That in professions like lawyers and doctors, the professionals cannot guarantee for the success of the case.”

It added that in such professions, doctors and lawyers “can only say that they are experienced in their work and they would do their best efforts so that they are successful.”

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