New Law Would Require Australians to Give Verbal Consent Before Sex

by Admin on July 9, 2018

The New South Wales government, where Sydney is located, recently proposed a bill that would require Australians to give verbal consent before engaging in sex.

The legislation has been pushed by Pru Goward, the minister for prevention of domestic violence and sexual assault.

“If you want sex you have to ask for it, and if you want that sex, you have to say yes,” said Goward. “It is a responsibility, both in the ask and in the reply.”

Without a vocal “yes”, the sexual act could be considered rape if the new law is passed.

The proposed consent bill comes in the wake of a polarizing case involving a man who was cleared of rape charges on appeal after having sex with an 18-year-old outside a Sydney nightclub.

In 2017, there were 25,000 reports of sexual assault in Australia.

Read the full story here.

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