New Law to Toughen up Thai Fishing Industry Standards

by Admin on November 24, 2015

Thailand has reacted to an impending European Union ban on exports if it fails to urgently toughen up its fishing industry laws. A new law has been introduced meaning harsher punishments for companies who fail to comply with the standards.

As Benar News reports, harsher jail sentences, fines, and a re-claiming of boats will be seen if companies fail to follow the new regulations.

Under the new law they must also see that they register their vessels, and use less environmentally destructive fishing nets.

Bangkok business lawyers Chaninat and Leeds have years of experience representing businesses in Thailand.

In recent years there have been numerous rumors and even large scale lawsuits based on Thai fishing standards, with reports of illegal workers and even slave labor.

The new law replaces The Fisheries Act.

Read more here.

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