New GMO Legislature in Wyoming

by Admin on February 24, 2016

Wyoming legislature has entering the GMO debate, and appears to have reached a compromise of sorts.

It asks that Congress enacts standardized food labeling rules for GMO food, and that food companies will be able to use these voluntarily.

GMO’s have been a controversial subject for years. The FDA insists that genetically modified foods are safe, but they face plenty of opposition from those who argue that research is not sufficient, and/or biased.

Thai business attorney’s Chaninat and Leeds have been helping companies be successful in Thailand for decades

Genetically modified seeds are engineered to have certain traits such as a resistance to herbicides. This means agricultural firms can liberally spray herbicides to ensure no bugs destroy the crops.

Read the full story here.

Editors note:

Presumably, if a company chooses NOT to disclose whether their product contains GMO’s, the consumer can probably assume that it does?

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