Neil AKA “Swirlface” Pedophile Jailed In Canada

by Admin on May 8, 2014

Convicted Canadian sex offender Christopher Paul Neil has been sentenced to three months in prison and three years probation for possessing devices capable of accessing the internet reports CBC News.

Neil, 39, became known as the Swirl Face sex abuser for digitally altering his face in images posted online. He was identified and arrested in Bangkok in 2007.

Criminal Defense Attorneys Chaninat & Leeds specialize in Thai and international criminal law including extradition cases 

Neil’s case was highlighted by the media due to use of computer forensics to undo the swirl effect Neil had used to hide his identity for videos showing Neil engaging in sex with young boys in Southeast Asia. The videos were uploaded to the internet and viewed by pedophile networks across the globe.

Computer experts were however able to decode the “Swirl Face” effect and assist police in identifying and apprehending Neil.  Neil was noted for his cavalier attitude about his crimes and the apparent pride he took in recording and publishing his pedophile videos on the internet.

Canadian law gives Canadian authorities the power to investigate and prosecute certain offences, such as child pornography and the victimization of children, committed by Canadian citizens in other countries.

Before his arrest overseas, the Neil worked as a teacher in several parts of Asia dating back to 2000.

Read the full report here 

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