Memorandum of Understanding Ignored as Rohingya Massacre Continues

by Admin on December 30, 2017

Myanmar and Burma signed a Memorandum of Understanding on November the 23rd stating that refugees would be able to return to Myanmar voluntarily without the threat of violence from the military.

However, satellite images showed on November 25th that 5 villages had buildings that were destroyed. Since the violence that had began in August, 354 villages have been destroyed. The Human Rights Watch has asked for UN access to deploy a UN-Fact Finding Mission and for other nations to impose sanctions upon the Burmese military.

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The civilian government, led by Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi has been condemned for failing to stop the violence against the Rohingya Muslim people. A total of 655,000 refugees have escaped to Bangladesh after the Burmese military have committed extensive murder and rape.

Read the full story here

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Image: AK Rockefeller

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