Mississippi Divorce Law ‘Unconstitutional’

by Admin on October 31, 2017

Mississippi’s high court has been asked to find the state’s divorce law unconstitutional because it lacks a “no-fault” ground for divorce, The Clarion-Ledger reports.

Judge Jenniger Schloegel granted a divorce in a case that has dragged on for four years, finding that the state’s requirement for “mutual consent” on the ground of irreconcilable differences to be unconstitutional. The husband has launched an appeal to the State Supreme Court.

Thai divorce law allows for ‘no-fault- divorce when the divorce is consensual and registered in an administrative process at one of Thailand’s district offices. 

Mississippi and South Dakota are the only two US states without a unilateral “no-fault” ground for divorce. This complicated divorce cases, with some going on for several years, or even a decade, without being finalized.

The Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence say that the states divorce laws make it difficult for victims of domestic violence to escape marriages. They have asked the high court to “examine the Mississippi Divorce Statute through the eyes of a domestic violence victim”.

Read the full story here

Related Articles: Divorcing Couple Attempt to Destroy Each Other with Legal Fees

Image: Conner Lindamood

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