Minnesota Woman Loses Custody of Child After Routine Hospital Visit

by Admin on June 18, 2018

After noticing her 10-month-old child had a persistent cough, Amanda Weber took him to the hospital. But two days later, child services came to her home and and took her youngest child away, according the St. Cloud Times.

Weber said she feels the state of Minnesota kidnapped her son.

“I was forced to hand my son over to a complete stranger based on allegations that I could prove were completely wrong,” she said in an interview with the St. Cloud Times.

As a result, Weber has joined a group of parents who feel that Minnesota’s child protection laws are unconstitutional and immoral, called Stop Child Protection Services from Legally Kidnapping. The advocacy organization sued the state in April.

Child services said that Weber denied her son necessary medical services and that they investigated her a month early for allegedly leaving her child home alone.

Weber denied both accusations. In her official statement, she said that a social worker fabricated evidence and that the primary care physician who treated her son acted “in bad faith and with malice.”

Another court hearing over the case will take place next week.

Read the full story here.

For questions regarding child custody or other family law matters in Thailand, contact professional lawyers with expertise in familial law.

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