Thai Government Caught in Legal Dispute with Mining Company

by Admin on November 1, 2017

An Australian mining company announced on Thursday that it had failed to reach a settlement in a legal battle with the Thai government.

The dispute began when the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) closed a gold mine operated by Kingsgate Consolidated Ltd in Pichit on January 1st, 2017. In response, the company commenced arbitration proceedings under the Australia-Thailand Free Trade Agreement.

The company claimed that the closure had harmed their business in Thailand, resulting in substantial financial losses.

A statement read “the Board of Kingsgate considers that the Company has excellent prospects of successfully recovering very substantial damages against the Kingdom of Thailand, and will vigorously prosecute its claim”

Experienced Thai and Western attorneys can assist with all legal matters concerning Thailand business law

Read the full story here

Related Articles: New Customs Act in Thailand

Image: Bob Dewey

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