Men’s Access to Viagra May Become Restricted

by Admin on February 20, 2017

Proposed U.S law comes in reaction to anti-abortion law

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A U.S Congresswoman has proposed a new law that would require married men to obtain their wives’ permission before being prescribed Viagra from their doctors.

Independent reports, “The legislation would require men in the state of Kentucky to visit a doctor twice before they could be prescribed any drug for erectile dysfunction. They would also have to be married and to get a signed and dated letter of consent from their spouse.”

The bill was drafted by Democrat Representative Mary Lou Marzian also read that all men should “make a sworn statement with his hand on the bible that he will only use a prescription for a drug for erectile dysfunction when having sexual relations with his current spouse.”

The aim of the bill was to protest the newly passed abortion laws which requires women to undergo counseling prior to an abortion and also requires them to look at ultrasound images of the fetus before the procedure.

Marzian said to Independent, “My point is to illustrate how intrusive and ridiculous it is for elected officials to be inserting themselves into private and personal medical decisions.”

Abortion has been a controversial topic of discussion in the U.S with laws surrounding it being revised and passed.

Read more here

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