Men Who Refuse Divorce to be Publicly Shamed

by Admin on October 11, 2017

A new law has been proposed to publicly shame men who refuse to give their wives a Jewish divorce, also called a ‘get’, The Jerusalem Post reports.

The legislation, proposed by Zionist Union MK Revital Swid, is a bid to combat the growing problem of ‘agunot’ in Jewish marriages, whereby a woman who requests a divorce is refused by her husband, kept into the marriage against her will, and unable to remarry.

Swid said that women in this situation “may as well be dead” because “their lives are behind bars created by their spouses.”

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Many of these women have to file restraining orders against their husbands in order to escape them. According to Swid’s proposal, these men will have their names and pictures posted to a public database.

She calls this legislation “a significant step in exposing the ugly faces of those who refuse to give a get”.

Read the full story here

Related Articles: Getting Got: Jewish Divorce, Chained Wives, and Husbands on the Run

Image: T. Aberle

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