Members of Booming Chinese and Brazilian Economies Flock to the US for Shopping Trips

by Admin on November 11, 2011

Even as the US fights to pull itself out of the worst recession the country has seen in 80 years, citizens of nations with rapidly-growing economies, business may be good for US immigration lawyers. Naturals of China and Brazil are flocking to America’s shores for shopping sprees and trips to Disneyworld. The flood of visa requests from both countries (neither nations are given visas-on-arrival in the US) has been so vast that members of US consulates are having to scramble to hire new workers to process the requests – tragically, consulates are perhaps the only US job sector where hiring is up!

It’s worth noting that clothes and theme parks aren’t the only US commodities these increasingly affluent nations are after. Nearly 20 percent of the roughly 1 millionvisas issued last year to Chinese citizens were educationvisas, and China makes up the largest foreign demographic at US universities. Members of China’s booming economy seem to be keen on investing their funds not only in material goods, but also in the knowledge and skills gained at America’s educational institutions. It is likely that these foreign students will be studying practical subjects, such as English Language, Engineering, and Business, while their American counterparts will continue to pursue more esoteric Liberal Arts-type subjects, so that they may qualify for jobs as protestors for Occupy Wall Street.


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