Meet Thailand’s Gun and Self-Defense Expert: Uncle Ray

by Admin on March 13, 2013

Uncle Ray, as he’s affectionately called, might be the toughest guy in Thailand.

Uncle Ray teaches the “Art of Defense,” a gun training course aimed at helping people protect themselves in real-life situations through the use of firearms. He’s been sport shooting for over 20 years, and currently aids in training the Thai army on many firearm tactics.

Chaninat and Leeds attorneys are Bangkok Criminal Lawyers specializing in Thai criminal cases involving foreigners.

Uncle Ray is also president of Thailand’s International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA), a worldwide organization that promotes the use of practical equipment, like firearms and full charge service ammunition, in real-world, self-defense scenarios.

Thai Law Forum spent the afternoon with Uncle Ray, learning about his background as well as some basic firearm self-defense techniques.


Related texts: Gun Law of Thailand

Related blog posts: Exploring Gun Culture in Thailand: Bangkok’s Shooting Ranges

Exploring Gun Culture in Thailand: Can I Own A Gun?

Exploring Gun Culture in Thailand: Thailand’s Gun District

Exploring Gun Culture Around the World on Khao San Road

Gun Control in the News (February 27, 2013)

Gun Control in the News (February 22, 2013)

Gun Control in the News (February 20, 2013)

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