Talking to author of “Marijuana is Medicine that Cures Cancer” Dr. Somyot Kittimunkong
Marijuana has long been used by cancer patients to help alleviate the painful side effects of chemotherapy. However it has remained a controversial drug due its hallucinogenic properties.
Doctors and scientists around the world are now slowly recognizing the potential use of marijuana in the treatment of cancer with some countries decriminalizing its use for medical purposes and even for recreational ones. In Thailand, marijuana is still illegal and possession of marijuana in Thailand is a punishable offence by law. However, many are advocating for its legalization.
Thailawforum talks to Dr. Somyot Kittimunkong, author of “Marijuana is Medicine that Cures Cancer” to get a better insight into how marijuana can be used with regards to cancer and its possible legalization in Thailand.
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