Many US States To Tighten Up Divorce Laws

by Admin on May 6, 2014

More than 40 years after California became the first US state to legalize no-fault divorce, some state legislatures are taking up efforts to slow down the dissolution of marriages reports Newsmax. Commentators explain that the predominant reason for the push is he inherent unfairness of no-fault divorce, is so far as the  spouse that the legal system favors is the spouse filing for a no fault divorce and the system benefits them over the spouse who wishes to remain married.

Other state legislatures are considering stringent changes in divorce law. The new divorce laws mostly involve marriages where a minor child is part of the family. For example, a measure introduced in February in Kansas would remove “incompatibility” as justification for obtaining a divorce.

On the international level, divorces laws also vary greatly according to the nation.  For example, Under Thailand divorce law if a spouse will not agree to a divorce then a divorce “for cause” must be lodged with the Court. Grounds for divorce must be asserted and a personal appearance in court must be made.

Read the full report here 

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