Libel Lawsuits for Sharing Fake News

by Admin on October 20, 2017

According to the Washington Examiner, a proposal has been put forward to make sharing “fake news” punishable with libel lawsuits.

The proposal, entitled ‘Fool Me Once: The Case for Government Regulation of Fake News”, is being pushed by Ann Ravel, ex-chair of the Democrats on the Federal Election Commission. She says the proposal is intended to “improve voter competence”.

Under the proposed legislation, paid political ads, fake news and disinformation would also be regulated, and sharing or re-tweeting such information could result in lawsuits.

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Republican FEC commissioner Lee Goodman staunchly disagrees with the proposal. “Ann’s proposal is full blown regulation of all political content, even discussion of issues, posted at any time, for free or for a fee, on any online platform, from Facebook to the”, he said.

Read the full story here

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Image: Stuart Rankin

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