Lawyers Agree to Help Farmers over Rice

by Admin on January 23, 2014

The constitutional rights of Thai rice farmers may have been violated according to lawyers from the Lawyers Council of Thailand and as reported the Bangkok Post.  Lawyers from the Thai Lawyers Council have agreed to sue the care taker government, on behalf of  Thailand Farmers Association, for unpaid fees that were due to them for the controversial rice pledge scheme that was implemented in 2011. The councils claims that Section 284 of the Thai Constitution was violated when the government encourage farmers to participate in a rice buying program was promised them above market prices for the grain.

Lawyers on the rice farmer’s side will bring several cases against the government and the Bank for Agricultural Co-operatives (BAAC), for failing to make payments to farmers, which they say is a breach of contract  and fraudulent. Rice farmers claim that caretaker government and the millers, who are involved in the scheme, embezzled  money that was supposed to go to them, and instead unlawfully kept that money for themselves.

Read the full article here

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Caleb Mardrid January 23, 2014 at 10:01

Rice is a staple diet in Thailand and many other countries, therefore their people will buy it anyways. These farmers should have thought twice about participating in a rice buying program.

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