Law School Bans Sex Outside of Heterosexual Marriage

by Admin on July 21, 2017

Law students at Canada’s Trinity Western University must sign an official promise not to engage in sexual activity outside of heterosexual marriage, according to the Globe and Mail.

The private Christian school has come under fire from law societies in Ontario and British Columbia, which have labeled it ‘discriminatory’, refusing to license its graduates.

A filing has been made with the Supreme Court, which reads “Ontarians have a right to expect that they or their children can seek to become lawyers without facing impediments because of their religion, gender or sexual orientation”.

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In response, Trinity Western says that its students are being discriminated against on the grounds of religious freedom. The school’s filing said that not licensing their graduates “removes the option for members of the evangelical community to attend a law school that respects, encourages and supports their beliefs.”

Read the full story here (

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Image: R Orville Lyttle

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