Law Firm Bomber Struggles to Find Lawyer to Defend Him

by Admin on July 21, 2015

Real life truly is stranger than fiction.

Consider: A man allegedly plants a bomb in the office of a law firm he was dealing with. He then complains that he can’t find another firm to defend him.

Guido Amsel is accused of setting off an explosive device in a Canadian law firm, seriously injuring Maria Mitousis, 38, the lawyer representing his ex-wife.

Image credit: Alexandre Dulaunoy (Flickr)
Image credit: Alexandre Dulaunoy (Flickr)

Amsel was going through a difficult divorce battle when he allegedly mailed three explosive devices. In addition to the first law firm explosive, he also targeted another law firm and an automobile body shop.

It’s also been heard that he mailed an explosive to his ex-wife and a lawyer that had represented him.

Attorney’s in Thailand, Chaninat and Leeds have decades of experience in successfully handling divorce cases, both in Thailand and internationally.

When in court earlier this month, Amsel didn’t have a lawyer.

According to Amsel, no law firm wanted to take his case. Apparently they were concerned for the safety of their staff.

Amsel has been charged with two counts of attempted murder and a range of other charges.

For the full story see here.

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