Korean Bioethics Law to Change

by Admin on October 18, 2017

Korean bioethics laws are set to change in order to enable further research and development in the field of gene therapy, according to The Nation.

On Tuesday, lawmakers in the country submitted a motion to amend the Bioethics and Safety Act to allow gene therapy research to cover all diseases rather than a limited selection.

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Currently, the law only applies to genetic diseases, cancer, AIDS, and untreatable illnesses. Under new legislation, gene modification could be used to research treatment options for any disease. This could potentially result in breakthroughs for patients suffering from degenerative illnesses such as arthritis.

Some oppose the law, expressing concerns that misuse of gene therapy could result in unpredictable side effects. However, supporters claim that it’s required for Korea to compete with gene therapy technology in other countries.

Read the full story here

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Image: Joffre Oliveria

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