Judge to Law College-Stick to Old Name for Now

by Admin on October 17, 2016

Houston College of Law to remain South Texas College of Law

A federal judge has ruled that the South Texas College of Law should hold off on its name change to avoid confusion with another law college- the University of Houston Law Center reports Houston Chronicle .

The STCL has changed its name to the Houston College of Law, a name the University of Houston felt was too similar to its own.

Houston Chronicle reports the judge granted a temporary injunction on Friday ruling that the resemblance was enough that there would be a “substantial threat of irreparable injury” if the court failed to act.

According to the Chronicle, “The decision stems from a civil trademark lawsuit, in which University of Houston’s Regents argued that the new name and red-and-white color scheme had the potential of confusing consumers.”

Chaninat & Leeds attorney Joe Leeds, a graduate of UH law school comments that, “When i was in law school there was no confusion that South Texas was a different law school. University of Houston Law Center is considered to be the second best in Texas after University of Texas. However, great lawyers come from all types of schools.”

University of Houston Law Center is ranked 49 in the startclass ratings while South Texas College of Law is ranked 149.

The next ruling is set for the 19th of October.

Read the original article here

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