Judge says No to Injunction on Vaccine Law

by Admin on September 15, 2016

Federal Judges denies injunction on California’s vaccine law14868308880_a08d57b70b

An injunction to pause the newly passed vaccine law in California has been denied by a federal judge on Friday reports The San Diego Union Tribune(TSUT).

The injunction would have allowed parents to be the deciding factor in their children’s vaccinations as opposed to the new law which states that all children entering kindergarten and seventh grade in both public and private schools must be inoculated for ten different diseases unless they have a doctor’s note exempting them from it.

The new law has sparked major controversy ever since it was passed especially among parents who claim that the law, SB 277, “violated their constitutional rights to an equal public education and to their rights of free exercise of religion.”

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However, Judge Sabraw cited, in his order, decades of legal precedents that have protected states’ rights to compel vaccination as protection against infectious disease.

According to TSUT, several injunctions are still being filed, making this the start of a long battle against SB 277.

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