It’s Animal Rights against Gun Rights in Indiana

by Admin on October 19, 2016

New measure proposes to preserve Indiana’s hunting and fishing rightsfishing-844970_960_720

South Bend Tribune reports that Indiana’s new measure to preserve hunting rights may lead to a standoff between animal rights activists and the National Rifle Association (NRA).

Indiana will follow 19 other states that have already amended the measure such as North Dakota, Virginia and Alabama. In 2012 alone, four states approved the constitutional right to hunt and fish.

According to a 50 page article written by a law professor many amendments were pushed by the NRA.

NRA spokeswoman Catherine Mortensen said the NRA had to get involved because “we don’t want these extremist animal rights groups coming in with a political agenda and chipping away people’s right to hunt.” She referred to bans against hunting of doves in Michigan by animal rights’ groups and mountain lion hunting ban approved by voters in California in 1990.

Senator Brent Steele, author of the amendment, said that although there is no threat, he wants to make sure that the rights are preserved. He added that the Department of Natural Resources would still be able to set limits to promote wildlife conservation reports the tribune.

Possession of a firearm without a license is a serious offense in Thailand. Persons interested in purchasing or using a firearm in Thailand should contact a qualified Thailand lawyer or apply directly through the Thai government process.

Read the original article here

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