Irish Draft Legislation Approved to Toughen Up Sex Laws

by Admin on September 17, 2015

New draft legislation in Ireland has been passed by the cabinet, which will criminalize those who pay for sex, reports Irish Times.

Frances Fitzgerald, Minister for Justice bought the proposed law to a meeting on Wednesday.

The legislation seeks to protect children from sexual exploitation and also updates the laws on grooming.

Under the bill, the purchasing of sex will be illegal, and will not decriminalize sex work in brothels or soliciting in public.

Thai criminal defense attorneys Chaninat and Leeds are a highly-qualified team of experienced trial lawyers, who are bilingual in Thai and English.

Interestingly, this goes against the Amnesty International vote in August to decriminalize prostitution, with the view that this will protect the rights of sex workers, reduce trafficking, and generally bring the industry into the open where it can be better regulated.

Most recently, the so-called “Swedish model” of criminalizing prostitution for patrons has been adopted by Canada.

Perhaps sex customers should contemplate robotic sex as a safer alternative?

Read the full story here.

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