Infosys to Pay $1Million for Visa Violations

by Admin on June 26, 2017

International IT company Infosys has agreed to pay $1Million for violating visa regulations by bringing in IT personnel into New York for work which was in violation of the terms of their visas according to New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.

The Attorney General also said that Infosys hired the foreign workers without paying the prevailing wages and the taxes owed.

“We will not permit companies to violate our laws in order to undercut New York workers. My office is committed to ensuring that our state’s labor marketplace is fair, competitive and transparent for all,” Attorney General Schneiderman said in a statement.

According to Economic Times, the statement also said that Infosys obtained temporary visitor visas to the U.S also called the B-1 visas instead of the H-1B work permit which was required. The visitor visas are easier to obtain and are not subject to the 65,000 cap on H-1B visas.

Infosys denies that it committed any wrongdoing and they’re agreement concludes the State of New York’s investigation relating to the amount of taxes the Company paid in 2010–2011 without any criminal or civil charges being filed.

Read more here

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Image: New york skyline

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