India’s Third Gender Claims Its Place In Law

by Admin on April 28, 2014

With their glittering saris, bright makeup and a reputation for bawdy song and dance, hijras, India’s transgender minority, are hard to miss and now after years of discrimination, the community has finally been granted legal visibility reports The Guardian.

The Supreme Court of India has ruled that transgender people would be recognized on official documents under a separate “third gender” category. Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh have already passed similar legislation.

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Yet, in spite of being happy with the change in the law, Indian activists have already warned that not all transgender people feel comfortable being referred to as “third sex”. Many prefer to be classed simply by the gender they have chosen, as women or men.

Campaigners point out that more still needs to be done to stop transgender people, and hijra communities in particular, from being criminalized but that this is a welcome first step in the right direction.

Read the full story here

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