India Doubles Maternity Leave

by Admin on March 10, 2017

Skeptics say this could affect hiring decisions by companies

Photo by Philippe Put

BBC reports that the Indian government passed a law that more than doubles maternity leave from the previous 12 weeks to 26 weeks.

Labour Minister Bandaru Dattatreya was quoted by BBC as saying that the law was “a humble gift” to women.

Approved by members of the upper house of parliament last year, the bill became law after the lower house passed it on Thursday.

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The law will be applicable for the first two pregnancies for each woman and will apply to workplaces with more than 10 employees.

The law has been met with praise from women around the country who hope that it will encourage intending mothers to pursue their careers after childbirth. Some are skeptical of the side effects of the law saying that the long leave will impact hiring decisions of companies.

India now gives the third longest maternity leave following Canada with 50 weeks and Norway with 44 weeks.

Read more here

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