Immigration Law Loophole lets 40,000 Illegals into US

by Admin on September 12, 2017

According to a new report by the Center for Immigration Studies, a loophole in US immigration law allows an estimated 40,000 illegal immigrants to enter the country with special student visas, Free Beacon reports.

The study showed that 55 colleges and universities in the US are providing F-1 (foreign student) visas to immigrants..

Chaninat & Leeds are US immigration attorneys in Bangkok

These schools were stripped of their accreditation from the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools in 2016. However, they have remained able to issue the forms that allow immigrants to apply for F-1 visas. Many of these institutions are for profit, which means that the influx of these ‘student’ immigrants is keeping them in business.

Read the full story here.

Related Articles: Foreigners Barred by Trumps Travel Ban to Receive Help with Visa Reapplications

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Image: Walter M Hagemann

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