Illegal Immigrants in the U.S.: California vs. Montana

by Admin on January 28, 2013

The contrast in rights for illegal immigrants in the western United States is becoming more and more apparent. California and Montana both introduced legislation that’s descriptive of their differing views toward illegal aliens.

A proposed law in California would grant an illegal immigrant a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) issued driver’s license if they show proof of tax payment or insurance. The “California Safe and Responsible Driver Act,” introduced by House Representative Luis Alejo, follows another new California law that gives driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants who arrived as children.

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While the law doesn’t necessarily grant them the right to drive, it allows them to apply for the license. Representative Alejo said safety is the basis of the bill, and estimates there are up to one million illegal drivers currently on the road.

“Having uninsured drivers is a hazard for everyone,” Alejo said. “The Safe and Responsible Driver Act improves safety on our roadways because it will ensure that immigrants that pay taxes will be eligible for a driver’s license with insurance requirements.”

Meanwhile in Montana, illegal aliens don’t have so easy. Montana outlaws their access to state services, and, following the passage of Montana House Bill 50, any city that labels itself an illegal alien “sanctuary” will be penalized. State funds would be withheld from the city if it sets up a sanctuary city status.

The bill is meant to protect Montanans financially.

“We like to be favorable place for legal aliens, legal residents and all citizens,” said State Representative Krayton Kerns, one of the bill’s supporters. “We are trying to be an unfavorable place to illegal aliens.”


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